Welcome to my blog, I am a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Monday, 18 November 2019
Friday, 15 November 2019
skate park
I am going to the skate park in the weekend to try and land some new tricks with my friend and we will probably go to Maccas and the Warehouse.
Friday, 8 November 2019
This week we have been learning about limericks and we had to figure out what the rhyming pattern for it was. Here is my limerick.
Friday, 1 November 2019
going to Bruce bay
On Sunday I will be going to Bruce Bay with my dad and I will be going for 4 days we will be staying at my Dads friends batch and the reason that we are going down is to whitebait and it is going to be so fun.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
In class we have started learning about languages and we have been learning about Italian. Here are some facts and some basic words.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Term Reflection for term 2
This Term was good because we went on school camp to Hammer Springs and it was fun.
Next term I am looking forward to Prep.
In the holidays I am going to Blenheim for rugby.
See you next term.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
hanmer camp 2019
On Monday my class went on school camp and we went to Hanmer Springs. My Dad brang his car and drove me and two of my friends we had fun just talking and eating lollies. My gropes first activate was orienteering my dad and my friends dad help us with finding the orienteering markers we would of came first over all but we were ten mutinies late back or our points would of been 590 but they got down to 490 because it was 10 points every minute you were late. Then after that when it was 4 o'clock we went to the hot pools we got to go on the super bowel hider slide and the pools. The next day my first thing that i was a walk up conical hill and go to the lollie shop. Then i had tree climbing the first tree i climed i got to the top but the athor two i did not. and then i had biking and we went to a pump track and then went back to camp and went to the hot pools aging. Then we went back and had some tea then we had puding and went to the camp concet and then wentto bed and then we got up and packed up our stuff and then had brekfast
Friday, 28 June 2019
This week for maths we were looking at Pictograph and i made a DLO and here it is.

This week for writing we have been writing some arguments. Here is my writing.
Should kids have a cell phone
I think children should have cell phones because if you get lost you could ring and ask somebody for some help, it is good for entertainment on long road trips and the useful apps
Firstly, how would you feel if you got lost and you could not get in contact with your family? I Think that kids should have cell phones because if they got lost they could get in contact with their family or friends and they could send them the way out or tell them to wait and they will come and find them.
Secondly they are great entertainment. I think it would be good entertainment on long road trips, like you could listen to music or play games e.g. NBA live if you had data and a game called ‘Clean the Road.’
Thirdly there are many useful apps. Apps like instagram so you could keep in touch with family and friends when you are away and maps when you are traveling around in different cities.
In conclusion they are good on long road trips and if you get lost you could get in touch with somebody and all the useful apps and that is why I think kids should have cellphones.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
This week on Saturday i am playing rugby against Marist RFC and i am playing for Blaketown RFC and we are playing at the Marist club grounds it will be a hard game because they are a hard team.
Maths DLO
This week for maths we made some nets here is my DLO on nets. I made it on a google drawing.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
For writing I had to write a myth on a natural phenomenon and I chose Hurricanes here is my myth.
maths T2 W5
This week for maths we had to make a blog post about perimeter and area and I made a DLO of a kahoot. Here is my link to my Kahoot
Friday, 3 May 2019
Term 2 Post 2
This week for maths I have been learning about area and perimeter. For perimeter you have to find out the info for all the sides and then you have to add all the sides up. For area you have to times the width by the length.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Term 2 W1
My Favourite Hobbies
My hobbies are rugby, basketball, league and swimming.
When you play rugby you need a mouth guard and boots and team to play for. I play for Blaketown Rugby Club. We train on Tuesday and Thursday and we play on a Saturday and we are playing Marist this week.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Welcome back Term 2
Welcome Back to Term 2. We have a lot of stuff happening this term like Rugby League in Christchurch and in Greymouth, Rugby at Rugby park which is near my School, Cross Country which is at my School. Camp is at Hanmer Springs and we go to the hot pools, Biking and Orienteering. Year 7/8 Basketball starts this term.
Friday, 5 April 2019
place value
This week my class has bean looking at place value we had to make a DLO that means digital learning object. I did it on the place value house, here is my DLO.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Mines afire author
On Wednesday an author called Thelma Eakin from the 'The Mines Afire'. She talked to us about the book, the book was based of a made up character called Tommy. She answered our questions and she bought some stuff in like a safety lamp and this thing that was made out of brass.
Yesterday I had rugby it was at the Blaketown Rugby club grounds and after me and my friend went for a swim at the blaketown beach and it was low tide and we could walk out half off the walf it was really fun.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
brunner mine site
On Monday 25th March my class went to Brunner Mine site. First we meet up at school and then we got into the groups and then we went to the cars then we went to the Brunner Mine site. Then we met up with the Shantytown ladies, their names were Mrs Meers and Miss Barber. First Mrs Meers told us about the history of the mine, she told us where the coke ovens were. We split
into groups and then we went off with our Shantytown lady. First I went for a guided tour with Mrs Meers, we went to the old coke ovens and then we went up to the memorial statue and then we went to the entrance to the mine. It was covered up with a sign and next to it was the air way that pulled fresh air out of the mine then we went to the brick works then we had some morning tea. After morning tea we swapped around and then we split in 2 groups in the group we were already in my group went and role played. My group were role playing and we did the bit out of the book, my bit was the one were they were running over the bridge, then after that we had to find out about some questions. I forgot what they were after that we had to do a mime of bits that were in the book.
Then we went to the Stillwater Cemetery. When we got there we look at some pictures, after that we acted the procession which is a big funeral and after that we went back to school.
Friday, 22 March 2019
colour day
Today my school are having are colour day for the shooting in Christchurch and my class raised $80.10 for the Muslim community.
Friday, 15 March 2019
road petrol
This year I am doing Road Patrol and there is two things to do on it. There are two people on the road and two on the car park. At the end of the year we get food from our Principal.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Today we had to pick our Favourite song and here it is.
Friday, 8 March 2019
family feasta
Today we have are Family Fiesta for School and I had to make cup cakes. Here is my ones. I got my idea from pinterest.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
This week we have been learning about music. We have learnt the names of some of the notes and their
value. Here is my work.
value. Here is my work.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Term 1 Week 5
This week on Monday I had cricket. First we played Paroa and we beat them 35-87 and then we went in to the finals against St Pat's and we lost.
Friday, 22 February 2019
This week for maths we have been learning about triangles and shapes. It was easy we had to search about the different type of triangles and they are called Equilateral and Isosceles and Scalene and Right Angled triangle.
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