litercy w3 t2
This week for literacy I did a KVL chart about the moon. My WALT was use what we all ready know to help us make sense of what we read. I think the KVL chart helped me get ready for reading as it makes me think about the topic.

This week I also did a book poster about this book that is about a dog burgler. The WALT was to create a poster to persuade others to read the book. We had to use a catchy question and interesting adjectives to get people's attention. Here it is.
Hi Kaleb, you have written a great reflection on your learning here. What a lot of information you have gathered about the moon in your KVL chart. Your book poster is excellent and catches the reader's attention. Next time you could use different size text for the title and the author of the book so it is easy for people to find this key information.